Research on Emotion in Organizations: Call for Papers (Extended Deadline)

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Research on Emotion in Organizations

The Thirteenth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (‘EMONET XIII’) has been postponed to a date to be advised in 2022.

Papers can still be submitted, however, and will be considered for inclusion in Volume 18 of Research on Emotion in Organizations, to be published by the Emerald Group in 2022.


Following the decision to postpone the Thirteenth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (‘Emonet XIII’) (which was scheduled to be held in Lancaster, England, UK, June 29 – 30, 2021), researchers interested in studying emotions in organizational settings are invited to submit papers for consideration for Volume 18 of Research on Emotion in Organizations, which will be subtitled, “Emotions in Times of Disruption”.

Following requests, we have now extended the deadline for receipt of papers to Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Papers should be submitted via the Emonet website (see below), and will be subject to blind review. Papers should be no longer than 40 pages of double-spaced 12-point Times Roman text in length; and should be formatted according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.

Papers may be submitted via the submission link on the Emonet conference website.

For more information, please e-mail one of the volume editors, Neal M. Ashkanasy (UQ Business School, University of Queensland), Ronald H. Humphrey (Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University), or Ashlea C. Troth (Griffith Business School, Griffith University); or the volume coordinator, Audrey Y. L. Teh