Conference Program

Wednesday, July 30

9:00am – 12:00pm     Doctoral Consortium (by invitation only)   

The Doctoral Consortium is proudly hosted by:

Hongguo Wei, Case Western Reserve University &

Melanie Milovac, University of Cambridge, Judge Business School

11:30am – 1:00pm      Registration                                                         

12:00pm – 1:00pm     Doctoral Consortium Lunch (by invitation only) 

1:00pm – 1:30pm        Opening Plenary Session (Session 1) 


Neal M. Ashkanasy, The University of Queensland,

Charmine Härtel, The University of Queensland, &

Wilfred, J. Zerbe, Memorial University of Newfoundland     

1:30pm – 3:00pm       Concurrent Sessions – Sessions 2A and 2B

Emotions and Divided Time, Attention and Tenure (2A)

Facilitator: Hakan Ozcelik, Sacramento State University


Using expertise as a firewall: Exploring emotion work of novices and experts

Sanjeewa Perera and Carol T. Kulik

Does it pay to work across ages? Explaining the effects of individual age dissimilarity on income via emotions

Maria Kakarika and Margarita Mayo

Effects of emotional labor among service employees with two jobs: Investigating moderated mediation models

Jason Dahling, Gianfranco Walsh, Mario Schaarschmidt and Simon Brach

Emotional authenticity and intelligence in interpersonal relationships (2B)

Facilitator: Lisa Stickney, University of Baltimore


Exploring the negative affective events of the entrepreneurial activity: Their experience on emotional stress and contribution to burnout risk

Thomas Lechat and Olivier Torres

Measuring bounded emotionality in family firms: The mediating role of paternalism

Nava Michael-Tsaburi and Anat Rafaeli

Does emotional authenticity always pay off?

Hana Medler-Liraz and Tali Seger-Guttman

3:00pm – 3:30pm       Break and Poster Presentations       

During each conference break, poster presentations can be viewed in the break area.  Poster authors will be available to allow conference participants to discuss poster presentations and authors can be approached at other times as and when they are available.

Papers accepted to the conference were organized into sessions based on their grouping with others of a similar theme.  Papers chosen as poster presentations were those that represented unique or singular topics/approaches.


Increasing employees’ performance through negative affective feedback

Dritjon Gruda and Sonja Rohrmann

The role of team emotions in implicit coordination: A review and integrative Model

Dorthe Håkonsson, Dan Mønster  and George Huber

Emotional labor and burnout in a human services organization

Anastasia Sizykh and Sue Bruning

The influence of emotional intelligence abilities on emotional labor, work exhaustion and service recovery performance in the emergency department

Felicia Lassk, Yang Lee and Carole Kenner

The current state of the Stream One Ability Model (SOAM) of emotional intelligence and the future of emotional intelligence

Jim McCleskey

3:30pm – 5:00pm       Concurrent Sessions – Session 3A and 3B

Deviance, bullying and ethical behaviors: The light vs. the dark (3A) 

Facilitator: Maxim Voronov, Brock University


Conflict,emotional skills and deviant behavior at work

Ashlea Troth, Peter Jordan and Sandra Lawrence

Do bullying victims blame it on the organization? A Social exchange perspective on age and gender-related differences in employee responses to bullying

Maria Kakarika and Zoe Dimitriades

The positive role of negative emotions in ethical decision making

Laura Noval, Günter Stahl and Chen-Bo Zhong       

Why Leaders Act: Identity, Fear and Caring (3B)

Facilitator:Neal Ashkanasy, The University of Queensland


Come out and lead: Emotional labor as a framework for understanding the impact of hidden stigmatized identities on leader behaviors

Roxanne Beard, Robyn Berkley, Catherine Daus, Nicole Cundiff-Meyer and Nicholas Hoffman

A theory on the role of leader fear in the knowing doing gap of leadership

Amal Ahmadi, Bernd Voel and Claire Collins

Followers’ relationship specific attachment, perceptions of leader caregiving and negative affective events in leader-follower dyads

Annilee Game, Michael West and Geoff Thomas

5:00pm – 7:00pm       Conference Reception  

Thursday July 31

9:00am – 10:30am     Concurrent Sessions – Sessions 4A and 4B

Invited panel: “Soup to nuts”: Examining multiple aspects of conducting emotions research (4A) 

Facilitator:Charmine Härtel, The University of Queensland

The panel will consist of four presenters, Peter Jordan, Neal Ashkanasy, Deanna Geddes, and Kathryn Moura, each offering different aspects of conducting research on emotions – from conceptualizing constructs, soliciting participants, pursuing funding, and showcasing research. Participants will offer brief overviews of their respective topics followed by informal discussion among panelists and audience.

Dr. Peter Jordan (Griffith University) has significant success with grant writing and funding for emotion research. Increasingly, universities are asking social science faculty to follow the physical science model and pursue external funding. Even though these fields tend to have lower research costs, grant monies bring in substantial, needed revenues to universities. Dr. Jordan will discuss how successful grant writing involves finding the right sales pitch and marrying that with academic rigour.

Doctoral candidate Kathryn Moura (Griffith University) will discuss her experience securing organizational samples dealing with a difficult topic – anger.  Studying workplace anger often poses unique challenges when approaching organizations for data collection. She will talk about working around typical issues associated with this area of research.

Dr. Deanna Geddes (Temple University) will discuss the dual threshold model (DTM) of workplace anger. A relatively recent article/framework, the DTM has proven influential in the field of emotion research. Dr. Geddes will discuss its conceptual evolution, applicability to varied emotion displays and outcomes, and relevance to examining displayed emotion at multiple levels of analysis – interpersonal to cultural.

Dr. Neal Ashkanasy (University of Queensland) will discuss the role of research leadership, including answering key questions, e.g.:  What is involved in setting up a successful research team?  What do early career researchers need to do to set up international research collaborations?  Is there any benefit in attending conferences?  In addressing these questions, he will use examples from his own scholarly journey, and explain some of the “tricks of the trade.”

Emotions in International Contexts (4B) 

Facilitator: Jason Dahling, The College of New Jersey


Stigma of work loneliness

Hakan Ozcelik, Hayat Kabasakal, Renin Varnali, Yasin Rofcanin and Michael Barngrover

Emotional and social competencies explaining effectiveness of executives: Samples from small and medium-sized private enterprises in China

Hongguo Wei

Emotional display and suppression among Israeli school principals

Izhar Oplatka

10:30am – 11:00am   Break         

11:00am – 12:30pm   Concurrent Sessions – Session 5A and 5B

Anger: Sources and effects (5A)       

Facilitator: Sandra Kiffin-Peterson, University of Western Australia


Positive, proactive, and committed: The suprising connection between “good citizens” and expressed (vs. suppressed) anger at work

Lisa Stickney and Deanna Geddes

A qualitative study of workers referred to an anger management intervention

Kathryn Moura, Ashlea Troth and Peter Jordan

Supervisor empathy moderates the negative effects of customer injustice

Erin Richard, Christa Phillips and Raad Alzaidalsharief

Smileys, space and the weather: Contextual effects on affect (5B)  

Facilitator: Wilfred Zerbe, Memorial University of Newfoundland


The power of a smiley face: A field experiment of the influence of affective primes on employee well-being and performance

Xiaoxiao Hu, Yujie Zhan, Xiang Yao and Rebecca Garden

Rain, rain go away…? A diary study on weather and affective experiences at work

Laura Venz and Alexander Pundt

I need my space, you’re in my face! The influence of spatial density on employees’ emotions, territorial behavior and outcomes

Oluremi B. Ayoko, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Karen A. Jehn

12:30pm – 1:30pm     Lunch         

1:30pm – 3:00pm       Concurrent Sessions – Sessions 6A and 6B

The interplay between emotions, respect and legitimacy (6A)  

Facilitator: Erin Richard, Florida Institute of Technology


Mutual recognition respect mediates the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and organizational commitment and job satisfaction

Nicholas Clarke and Nomaza Mahadi

 “From the heart”: The role of emotional expression in the legitimation of Ontario wine

Felipe Massa, Maxim Voronov, Wesley Helms and Liang Wang

Bold knight or unwary prince? The contextual effect of CEOs’ positive affect on analysts’ performance prediction

Melanie Milovac, Jochen Menges, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky and Thomas Graeber

Motivation and the regulation of emotion (6B) 

Facilitator: Peter Jordan, Griffith University


Complex cognitive-emotional interactions: Self-referential emotional regulatory theory of work design

Sandra Kiffin-Petersen

Eyes on the prize: A longitudinal study of action state orientation, affect, and academic self-regulation

Jason Dahling, Sophie Kay and Nickolas Vargovic

Integrating motivation and ability: Examining the roles of prosocial motivation and emotional intelligence in the emotional labor process

C. Teodora Trifan and Yujie Zhan

3:00pm – 3:30pm       Break   

3:30pm – 5:30pm       Research incubator and closing Plenary (Session 7)


Neal M. Ashkanasy, The University of Queensland

Charine Härtel, The University of Queensland

Wilfred J. Zerbe, memorial University of Newfoundland

Discussion of participant research ideas and projects

Each table reports on their findings

Full group discussion

Plenary and summary

            Wilf J. Zerbe, Memorial University of Newfoundland

6:00pm – 9:30pm       Conference Dinner

Fogo de Chão Philadelphia (Restaurant)

1337 Chestnut Street  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107