- Conferences
- Emonet X (continued)
- Emonet XI
- EMONET XII Goes Virtual!
- * Conference Program
- * Emonet XII Opening and (Live) Closing Plenary Sessions
- * Emonet XII Paper Presentations:
- A bibliometric review of the socioemotional wealth and family business literature
- A conceptual framework of research themes and future directions for a frontline employee – Customer interpersonal exchange approach to emotional labor
- Affect under need satisfaction and need thwarting: A new classification for the prediction of creative performance in employees
- Ambivalent feelings about organizational change under NPM
- Best Paper Award: The emotions of failure in organizational life
- Best Student Paper Award: Resistance to proactive behavior: Impact on proactive individuals’ emotions and subsequent behaviors
- Conference Organisers
- Does supervisor family support trigger job performance? Role of demand, conflict, balance and attitude
- Effects of authentic and inauthentic emotion expression in response to abusive supervision
- Emonet XII (A Virtual Conference): Call for Papers (Deadline Extension to 27th April 2020)
- Emotional labor on the ward: The intricacies of rules and space
- Emotions in workplace: An organizational context
- Examining the identity leadership and team performance relationship: A two stage moderation-mediation model
- Exploring the emotional experiences and coping strategies of sustainability change agents
- How supervisors’ compassionate but unethical behavior impacts subordinates’ unethical behavior: A sensemaking process
- It takes more than two to tango: Everyday, passionate consumer-entrepreneurship
- Register for Emonet XII
- Releasing the pressure valve: Workplace relationships in a time of disruption
- Revisiting Joseph and Newman: Specifying the role of emotional labor in the cascading model of emotional intelligence
- Submit Your Paper to Emonet XII
- The evolvement of emotion-related practices in a self-liquidating organisation in the context of radical change
- The group matters: Linking group identification and intergroup conflict to emotional labour strategies
- The impact of social rejection on value priorities: The mediating role of emotional reactions
- The social consequences of anger expression: An interpersonal perception perspective of anger expression, anger apology and leader emergence
- The social consequences of job crafting: An examination of crafting type on emotional and behavioral reactions of co-worker
- The what and how of positive feedback: A review and experimental study of positive feedback ‘best-practices’
- Two minutes to midnight: Unpacking organizational responses to the existential risk of biodiversity loss
- Understanding revenge behaviors toward the supervisor’s negative gossip: Roles of gossiper, victim, and innocent
- Unmet entitlement and employee’s emotion regulation motives to achieve job satisfaction
- Volunteering as a coping strategy of incivility: A theoretical model
- When and why do people sleep poorly after unfair treatment from their colleagues? The role of negative emotions and dispositional optimism
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